Factory Installations

The total area of this factory is more than 20000 square meters including the office building, industrial shed, warehouse of raw materials, employees’ accommodationو sports club and green croft. Office buildings are built with standard quality. This is the work place of president, finance manager, production manager and other office workers.

Afghan White Gold Cotton Industrial Factory’s industrial sheds which are devised by foreign engineers are built with an area of 10000 square meters. These sheds are built with high standard qualifications and equipped with air and terrestrial channels, heat and cooling systems, safety (firefighting system) and security equipment.

Another building existed in this factory is for the employees accommodation in which more than 150 people can rest. This building is also equipped with all standard systems like cooling and heating system.

Another section of Afghan White Gold Cotton factory is the green croft and sport gym that when in need, all the staff can use that space.